By now, you are most likely aware that avocado is a healthy fat that comes with a multitude of health benefits. Avocados are super-healthy green fruits that are packed with vitamins, phytonutrients, and benefits your whole body. From your hair down to your feet, avocados and their oil are useful.
It is loaded with monounsaturated fatty acids, has more potassium than banana and has the potential to help lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. But have you ever considered the power of its pit? The avocado seed is also incredibly nutritious, so you may want to stop throwing it in the waste basket! While the avocado itself harbors many health benefits, it has been reported that 70 percent of the advantageous amino acids are found in the fruit's seed. Avocado seed is a true powerhouse when it comes to nutrients, containing protein, carbohydrates, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and more.
Consider the following reasons to add avocado seed to your eating regimen, plus the proper way to eat and prepare it:
- It helps burn fat.
The pulp is loaded with soluble fiber, which can help you feel fuller and more satisfied over a long period of time. Plus, it naturally contains fat burning elements.
- It prevents cell aging and fights cancer.
Its antioxidant content protects the brain from free radicals. Most people don’t know that the avocado seed has more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables. More even than most healing teas. In a more recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cancer Research, researchers discovered that a compound found in avocado seed extract called avocatin B was effective against acute myeloid leukemia cells. In total, study researchers tested 800 natural health products against the human acute myeloid leukemia cells.
- It reduces cardiovascular disease risk.
Because of its amino acid content, the seed is great for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels just like the rest of the avocado.
- It can help treat diarrhea and intestinal issues.
Avocado seed is an astringent, so it's great for reducing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
- It is good for your skin.
When cooked, processed and applied topically, avocado seed can eliminate blemishes and rejuvenate the skin due to its ability to boost collagen.
How to Prepare and Eat Avocado Seed
Now that you know just how beneficial the avocado seed truly is, it's important to understand how to prepare and eat it. First, remove the seed from the avocado and rinse under cold water. Then, place the seed on a pan prepared with parchment paper and let it dehydrate in the oven at 2500C for about two hours. When the seed is ready, the outer skin will look completely dried out.
Remove from oven, let it cool and then remove the outer skin. Using a large knife, pop open the avocado seed at the seam. The dehydration process should soften up the seed, so this shouldn't take much effort.
From there, dice up the seed into small pieces. Transfer pieces to a blender or food processor and grind/pulse it until it reaches a fine, grainy texture.
Now, you can add the avocado seed to smoothies and baked goods or you can sprinkle it over your juices, smoothies, oatmeal, soups, salads and various plant-based dishes to reap the benefits. You can also put half a teaspoon of the powder into a cup, pour hot water and make a tea infusion. Let steep for about 10 minutes.
Avocado seed powder is like your own super-healthy supplement powder. So next time you eat avocados, remember to save the seeds!
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